
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to Join the Mainstream after Depression / Anxiety.

Recovering from depression or anxiety is no mean feat-it asks for celebration.Only an ex-sufferer knows how relieving it is to be finally rid of this malady.Unfortunately recovery is not the end of the story-or the trial.A lot more needs to be done in order to be comfortable and in sync with the surroundings.This is because the mental disorder must have isolated that person to a large extent.

A mental patient is sad,worried and apprehensive most of the time.This enormously changes his facial expression and body language.For the worse.

Since his thinking as well as his emotions are negative and pessimistic,this  impairs his judgment and consequently his reactions.

Naturally his behavior deteriorates considerably.Being full of his own woes,he does not pay heed to how his behavior impinges upon others.

It is no wonder then,that all these changes must have impelled him to restrict his public appearances and interactions.

Post recovery the patient realizes  fully the import of his disease and the resultant isolation.He knows that he looks odd,not like he looked before the onset of the disease,that he is not as strong as he used to be and also that his behavior must have annoyed many.

These factors obstruct him from joining the mainstream even after he recovers.The passage from neo-recovery to full normalcy can be tough and painful.One needs to make deliberate efforts to mesh once again with the society.Given below are eight mantras which will speed up the patient's rehabilitation.

Take help from those who care for you.
Let them know in which way you want them to assist you.Do you want them to accompany you to a party or the daily morning walk?Perhaps you would like them to go with you on a shopping spree to update your wardrobe or organize a get-together at home?Merely talking to them about the misgivings which bar you from reclaiming your life will also make you feel better.

Do what you don't feel like doing.
Go out even if you feel more comfortable inside your home.Don't avoid looking people in the eye because you anticipate judgmental glances.Their curiosity will subside when they see that you have now recovered.Give it some time.
Start a casual dialogue whenever and wherever possible.Most will reward you with positive responses.Those who do not--it could be because of them and not you.Everybody cannot be expected to be in a cheery mood all the time.So don't personalize such instances.

Go there if you want to BE there.
A secret desire of all mental patients is to be like they were before the down-slide.A simple change in routine can take you there.Remember how you used to jump out of the bed and get busy with the day when all was well?If you want to be like you were in those days ,start doing what you did in those days.It is that simple.
It is true that anxiety and depression deplete energy and enthusiasm.Reverting to your original,hectic routine will appear impossible in the beginning.Start small.As you continue, you will pick up stamina.The joy you get from slowly assimilating with others will automatically add verve to your personality.

Do not be engrossed in your own self all the time.
Depression does this to people.They examine their body,notice how it has changed and worry about every tiny twitch or pain.If you think only about your body,your ailments and your life all the time;many disturbing facts will emerge--facts which have no significance at all,which beset lots of other people too;those whom you consider normal.
Therefore make it a point to refrain from obsessing about your own self and kill this train of thought as soon as it starts.Think about other people,their lives and the challenges which they have to face.Be mindful of your surroundings to the extent that you forget to worry about yourself.

Do not compare yourself with anyone.
If you compare yourself with those who have not been through this travail as you have been,you will definitely find yourself lacking and feel dejected.Don't do this,You are still in the early stage of picking up the threads of life.Instead, compare your yesterday with today.Keep up the tempo and things will get better and better.

Be grateful for what you have.
The tussle with a mental disorder must have been torturous no doubt.But even then,you managed to come out of it.What was it that enabled you to carry on till you recovered ?Was it your family,friends,colleagues,doctors,your 
intelligence or a sound financial backing?Whatever it was--be grateful for it.

Be alert for the triggers which are likely to pull you down.
Stressful events cannot be ruled out of life,but it helps to formulate a method of dealing with them.I have enunciated mine in this post.Whenever faced with a crisis,remind yourself that nothing is permanent and this too shall pass.Positive thinking will protect you from a relapse.

Set a daily goal for yourself.
While you were not at your productive best you must have been absolved of many legitimate responsibilities.Take them up again.Even if you are one of those lucky ones who do not have much on their plate,who do not need to earn a living;find something to occupy you or you will fall back upon excessive rumination.
Decide the previous evening what you want to do the next day.Pursue a neglected hobby,learn something new,organize your files and documents,discard what is not needed,clean up your wardrobe,rectify or discard the defective equipment or gadgets---ah well the list could go on and on,but I think you get my point.

Just keep going and building up your life once again.You did it when you were a tiny babe,you can very well do it today. 


  1. Very insightful! Most of all a depressed person needs handling with care and a lot of tlc!

  2. Who is not affected by depression, it attacks everyone of us sometime or other. Mostly we are capable of handling it by ourselves, and come out of it. At least, we have not come to the stage like the westerners, who need help at every level.

    1. Very true,our culture is more supportive of those who need care,hence fewer persons succumb to it.

  3. It is a tough climb up and it does require a lot of self discipline, including disciplining thoughts, to get back to good cheer.

    1. Yes it is very tough to get back to normalcy,discipline and stamina both totter sometimes.

  4. The journey down hill is a traumatic one and the suggestions from you will surely help for those in need, Induji.

  5. Just reading your posts is so reassuring.

    1. Thanks for this Purba,what a nice thing to say.


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