
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Bit of Philosophy,Lots of Logic and Splashes of Humor

The above three have enabled me to survive the shocks and upheavals which came my way.It is not as if I have been exceptionally lucky with the life conditions in which I found myself.It was a mixed basket as it is for everyone else.But the above mentioned attributes helped me to carry on with minimum collateral damage.

Whenever I had to face an ordeal I reminded myself that life was a kaleidoscope of both good and bad or joy and sorrow and I ought not to expect only good things for myself.I would look at those who were worse off than me,visualize a worst-case scenario,admit that things were not so bad and heave a sigh of relief.

If things spiraled out hand I got so busy coping,that the thought of sitting down to brood or lament my misfortune never entered my head.It was not a conscious decision--it happened automatically and for this I am ever grateful to my maker.My first priority has always been to analyze the problem logically--keeping my emotions at bay.This has helped me to sort out the tangles and maintain my equilibrium. 

There were times when I was maligned badly,blamed for what I could never have done, and I could do nothing except cry over my misfortune.Those were the times when I gave in to my emotions.After a while,when I was all done with the tears,I would take refuge in the thought that if someone had wronged me s/he shall one day pay for it.That was the end of the matter for me because I have a firm faith in the theory of karma.I did try to understand why someone had behaved as s/he did and it helped to cool me down too,but emotional abuse or victimization do leave permanent scars.That is the truth.I can forgive but not forget.

Humor has acted as a shield to protect me from an innate urge to be blunt,like when I was expected to respond,but could not say the truth without being rude I would take recourse to saying something silly.This saved the situation from taking an ugly turn.It is thus a handy tool in awkward situations.I am deficit in the golden mean known as diplomacy,only learning as I go along.

A touch of humor at the right moment can also assuage emotions and nip anxiety in the bud.Like,if I see a dear one taking too much stress from an annoying development my first instinct always is to play it down by saying something funny.This distracts the other person,s mind and the problem diminishes in stature.

Humor-whether in print or visual media- has always been my pet stress buster too.A TV serial Sarabhai Vs Sarabhai instantly comes to mind,or Jaane bhi do Yaaro.

As I look back down the years I realize that the above attributes were just a part of who I am--not a consciously though out strategy.Is it my DNA?Perhaps!
What is yours?



  1. I seem to parallel you totally. "Forgive but never forget" - Yes! AND the humor.

  2. Yeah - guess all that helps. Nice advice.

  3. I have to learn to keep emotions at bay,unlike you.

  4. Great guidelines (I read it like that) Indu ma'am! Thanks again:)

  5. Great...I believe in forgive, but never forget like Suresh. Don't watch TV but yes, Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron is an all time fav, along with Andaz Apna Apna... :-D

    1. I am happy to see you here Maniparna.
      I can understand how watching TV these days can be very disappointing--whether it be news or entertainment,but believe me this serial was a classy presentation.It is hard to come across a good humorous serial.

  6. If you forgive genuinely you will automatically forget it.
    What is the point in remembering if you have forgiven?
    My take...

    1. I admire your views Indrani.
      Remembering a hurt or an insult is not a conscious decision with me.But the pain does remain.Perhaps I have not evolved enough.

    2. You are an amazing role model for a lot of us, Indu. What a wonderful personality you have cultivated even if you might have inherited some traits from your parents. Blessed to be your friend. I believe in karma too and like you, can forgive but not forget hurts. Then I console myself that it is part of my bad karma :)

    3. Unknown I am truly blessed to be the recipient of such praise-thank you!Don't know how much of it is deserved.

      Your last line goes a long way towards tolerating the vicissitudes of life.Thanks for this reminder.

    4. Hi Indu, my comment went as Unknown because I must have clicked the wrong button! It was me, giving you a virtual hug for being the person you are :) --Zephyr

      There is no option for Google account or Name Url option in your comment form, Indu. That is how it has gone as Unknown and even this comment is going as Unknown. Ask Shantanu to set it right, please!

    5. The mystery is solved.Thank you Zephyr for being my friend.
      Lots of love.

  7. I fret, fume, worry and get it out of my system. Hate engaging in unnecessary confrontations or plotting revenge. If I do I let my hater take over my life.

    1. Very true Purba-confrontations and plotting revenge are the archenemies of peace of mind.

  8. Humor can help in dissipating frayed tempers!

  9. Ah yes, humor definitely helps us cope with just about any life situation.


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