
Monday, September 8, 2014

Adolescent Turmoil and Suicide--A True Story--Part two.

This is the second part of a true case history.If you want to read the first part please go here.

Jagan's parents and sister arrived at the due time next day.They told me that Jagan had left home the first time because his father had refused to lend him his bike--he enacts such dramas so that they do not refuse him anything.If he commits a blunder he will either run away from home or sham suicide to escape bashing or severe rebuke.He has neglected his studies for full one year because he was obsessed with his girl friend (gf).Now during exams he will demand undue favors,spoil the atmosphere of the house and then blame his poor performance on that.

His sister was two years older than Jagan and doing an I.T.I course.She told me that she maintained a distance from Jagan because he  tended to involve her in his plans to meet his gf and fought with her if she told her parents.She was a sensible girl and I guessed that the contrast between the two siblings must have added fuel to the fire.

It was clear that they were united against Jagan and had little sympathy for him, but he too had committed many mistakes.I told them I would talk to him,but they too should be more forbearing and understanding so as not to spark off another crisis.They ought to discuss the various aspects of this imbroglio with him in measured tones.They agreed to this and I asked them to send him over the next day.

The next interview was with Jagan alone.I asked him what the main bone of contention between him and his family was.He admitted it was his gf.A number of leading questions later he admitted that his poor performance in school,fights with his parents,consequent abscondings or suicidal attempts--all those factors which were making him and his family miserable-- stemmed from his pursuit of his love life to the exclusion of all else.I made him realize that he had to choose between building a career under the tutelage of his father,or carrying on like this,or forking out with his gf and living on his own steam.He replied that he could do nothing without his family's support.

I pointed out that his family's love, support and all other allied privileges entailed certain responsibilities on his part too.At the end of the day;what stood out loud and clear was the fact that continuing like this was not only spreading poison all around,but also ruining his life.The sooner he finished his education and built a career,the sooner he could live life on his own terms.Till then it was in his own interest to adjust, without going into who was right and who was wrong.I said this because firstly I had seen that his father was quite an adamant soul and secondly,Jagan lacked the sagacity to maintain a balance between his romance and studies.

Jagan listened to all this with a solemn countenance.I could see that he did not like the thought of breaking off with his gf although he did realize the harm it was doing him.He took leave,promising to come again.

To be continued :--

Image courtesy google search.


  1. Oh Indu..finish it fast, I am getting impatient...reality is so much more interesting and poignant than stories...

  2. I love your counselling posts to learn from your wisdom in dealing with such family and personal crises. Do share more of them. And hurry up and finish this one, will you? :)

    1. I am indeed humbled to know that YOU like my posts Zephyr.Yes,i will ferret out some more.Sometimes i think each case has a story or novella hidden in it--only i am bereft of any powers of imagination.There was one case which was truly stranger than fiction.
      Lots of love !

  3. :) i am sure you know exactly what i ma going to say ..

    continue pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee


    1. Actually Bikram this case continued for pretty long,so i have to sift the salient factors.So be patient till next Monday,ok?

  4. Family is one space we often take for granted neglecting them but in reality... their selfless support and love is crucial for us to grow in life - a lot learnt from your posts as always. Many thanks for sharing all your experiences, Induji. :-)

    1. Yes,after all blood is thicker than water.But sexual attraction somehow controls teenagers.Thanks for coming over Arti.
      Love n hugs.

  5. Some day I am going to filch your real life experiences and write stories based on them :P

    1. You are most welcome Suresh,i would welcome it .
      Me,i am zilch at fiction.

  6. Lets see when we know what happens next

  7. Interesting. I find these incidents you share, a lesson for all of us in relationships and their complexity.

    1. So glad you like these posts Rachna--in fact you too are a model parent :)
      Love n hugs.

  8. You know I had been waiting to read this series and don't know how I missed this part. hmmm...hopping over to the next part


Thanks for reading.Do,give your feedback.