
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How To Be Mentally Tough

Life is a race--to learn more,be more,get more and zoom ahead leaving others far behind.In this race, sometimes laggards charge ahead of those who had been seen as brilliant,sure winners.It is not credentials,intelligence or even talent;which decide who comes out on top.Rather,it is the quality of mental toughness that marks the winner.

Mental toughness is an amalgam of different qualities like clear thinking,tenacity,self confidence,optimism and fearlessness.If you are blessed with a combination of these qualities then you can achieve much in life--whether it be in the field of education,work,relationships or health.

Mental toughness gives you the strength to cross over hurdles and reach your destination,even when the prospects look bleak.It also gives you the resilience to set aside hurts and disappointments and get on with life.You are better able to resist the temptations which could destroy your health or ruin your personal life.

Many of us feel that we are not tough enough,and miss success for want of grit.We give in to opposing forces instead of fighting them, and this prevents us from attaining the heights we are capable of.Here are some pointers which could help us to get rid of this handicap:--

* Start with a clean slate--rid yourself of preconceived notions,prejudices and other whimsical theories.

*Forget past failures,misadventures and misunderstandings--they will only dishearten you.

*Accept responsibility for your past mistakes--do not look for scapegoats.

*Examine accurately the situation you are in today,even if it is not what you had dreamed of.

*Accept a daunting challenge,the one which is most crucial to your happines--it will help you to evolve.

*Chart your plan of  action and follow it religiously.

*Take calculated risks--nothing ventured,nothing gained.

*Be conscious of your drawbacks at all times,so that they do not jeopardize the results of your actions.

*Be ready for failures--nobody succeeds every time.

*Some people get pleasure from pulling down others--don't let their jabs or jibes discourage you.

*Avoid seeking advice from others--take well thought-out independent decisions.

*Don't let anybody push you around.

*If you don't want to do something,or do not agree with what is being said;have the courage to say no.

*Voice your opinions--they are no less important than what others say.

Mental toughness comes handy in many fields of life but it's best function is to save us from mental disorders.The tough ones do not crack even after major upheavals or traumas.Nothing can keep them down for long.They spring back with minimum collateral damage.

But a word of caution will not be out of place here.Our quest for toughness should not catalyze us into hard rocks--after all murderers too,are tough!Single-minded pursuit of self interest to the exclusion of human sentiments will leave us high and dry.We have to take care that we do not step on others' toes or climb over their shoulders to reach the top.


  1. Inspiring post.Thanks a lot for sharing.

    Sriram & Krithiga

  2. Mental toughness is the key to resilience. Great tips on how to go on about it Indu, and the caution is very apt too. - Our quest for toughness should not catalyze us into hard rocks.

    1. Yes Somali,resilience is very important.
      I am glad you could relate to it.

  3. Valid points, Indu! My biggest failing is at the very start of the process. You must want something badly enough :)

    1. You are God's own favorite.If you want nothing badly it means you have all you need.Chashme-bad-dur!

  4. Its the most important key to success... :-)
    Great tips Induji :-) Sharing it...

  5. Absolutely true...even people take you for granted if you don't have the grit.

    Inspiring read!

  6. The first two points i.e the ones about forgetting past failures and starting with a clean slate ---and the last para about not becoming heartless achievers say and mean a lot Indu ji

    thank you once again for this beautiful post

    lots of love

    1. Who could be a better example that you for the first one Rajni.You overcame all odds to establish yourself.
      It feels nice to hear from you.
      Love n hugs.

  7. I wish all the youngsters read it..Suicide of a DSP girl in Chennai and a student of IITM, totally shook me..

    1. Yes Renu mentally tough do not succumb like this--whatever the traumas.
      There are many resources available but they never take help.

  8. This post would keep me going for a long time. Lot to be taken from here and practiced. A timely post.

    1. I am glad you found it useful Ilakshee--thanks.

  9. Lovely, and if you are not inherently tough, you need to keep working at it.

    1. Yes Alka inherent toughness is something else altogether .The gentle ones have to be always alert.

  10. Very sensible points there and yes a very valid word of caution at the end

  11. Great tips, Indu ma'am! Thank you:)
    One has to be tough though to be able to follow them:)

    1. Haha,this makes it mission impossible.This makes it oxymoronish--love your insight Amit ji!

  12. As usual really sage advice. Was reading this book 13 things mentally tough people don't do or something like that by one Amy Morin. All things make sense when reading but one is stumped when runs into real life situations.

    1. It is difficult to change old habits.Since they are deeply ingrained the counteractive measures too, have to be tough.
      Thank you Karthick,have a nice weekend.

  13. Where do you get your wisdom from?:) I love this post, perhaps because I know I lack somewhat in the mentally tough department. I want to practice being more assertive, standing up for myself and those I love. There are many times I have been weak or passive. This is such a good list and I will give it more thought and choose a couple at a time to put into action. Thank you my friend! (I hope I can call you that.) :)

    1. Thank you Colleen for giving such a nice start to my day.
      To tell you the truth,I too,am struggling on the same road.Laughable,isn't it?Preaching is damn easy.But I do try to get over my inhibitions.Good luck to both of us.
      You already feel like a dear friend.

  14. True words these. I am sure many people will be guided by this post, Indu:)

    1. Happy to see you here Lata.I am glad you liked it.

  15. I want to be mentally tough on the face of adversity, not to achieve something.

    1. You have already achieved such a lot--effortlessly.Your posts infuse a lot of cheer--thanks for that.

  16. I wish I wish I can do that.. I want ot be strong minded and not let my emotions get the better of me always .. I feel I have a stupid idiotic heart that get to control my mind always ... :(


    1. You should try to put some of these suggestions into practice,it will help you.

  17. These are really helpful tips! Great post.


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