
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Sunshine Award

Colleen,who blogs at is a recent blogger friend but her posts are so candid and forthright that I feel as if I have known her since long.Her post about her homeland is a poem of love-love for a homeland we are often forced to leave.She pleasantly surprised me by nominating me for the Sunshine Award.Thank you Colleen!

The rules for this award are:--
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to her.
List the rules and put the picture on your blog.
Answer the questions.
Nominate other bloggers and notify them.
Come up with questions for them.

Here are the questions which Colleen asked me:--
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I am an introvert.
Where in the world are you most drawn to?
To New Delhi,the place where I grew up.
What characteristics in others do you like most?
Intelligence and a sense of humor.
What characteristics in others do you like least?
Dominating and lying.
What area in your own life are you seeking to grow in?
I am trying to perk up my self esteem and confidence.I have gained a lot but I want more :).
Do you have a daily routine?
Oh yes,I have a deadly monotonous routine starting early morning with yoga and ending at 10 pm with Sudoku.An evening walk with friends and a couple of kitty parties in a month are the highlights of my routine.
Since this is a Sunshine Award,what things bring light and sunshine into your day?
When my kids are home for a vacation it is all light and sunshine.Otherwise I take solace from the fact that we are together and in fairly good health. Meeting friends over a cup of tea is always enjoyable.

Now it is my turn to ask questions.I will repeat the first one:-
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
The first item on your bucket list?
Your favorite hobby?
Your strength?
Your weakness?

I would like to nominate the following for this award.I hope they will accept it.

Mridula at

Renu at

Archana at

My congratulations to you all for hosting outstanding blogs :)


  1. Congrats Indu - If the Sunshine Award is for spreading the light of knowledge who would deserve it more than you?

  2. am an introvert.

    i think i have seen and done everything in life.first thing would be to live far away from people like on an island or mountain top disconnected from everyone coz i don't belong to this world or i want to live on another planet far from earth.

    fvrt hobby hmm. writing on blogs , speaking to my mom , watching movies.

    my strength hmm its integrity.

    my weakness hmm goodness in all circumstances which brings me trouble at the end of the day.

    1. Even your weakness is your the long run.

  3. Congratulations!!
    Nice to read your blog. just came across it, and realized that you are currently staying in my hometown - Kota ! :)
    Keep shining!


  4. What better choice for the sunshine awards than the beautiful sunflower herself --you do spread sunshine with your posts Indu ji Hearty Congratulations to you and to Colleen to o for making the right choice
    love and hgs and congrats

    1. You have given me another award by this comment Rajni-i am overwhelmed.It is readers like you who encourage me to go on.Thanks a billion.
      Love n hugs.

  5. Ashwini thanks for these kind words.

  6. congratulationssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss :)

    I love delhi too.. because thats the city i land in each time i have to go home :)


  7. I really enjoyed reading this Indu! It is fun to learn more about those whose blogs we really enjoy!:)

    1. Yes,i too feel the same way.So happy to know you enjoyed reading it.

  8. oh wow... thank you so much for the nomination Induji... much appreciated...
    love and hugs :-)

    1. A sunny girl like you ought to get this award.
      Love n hugs/

  9. Congrats Indu. well deserved. good to know about you :)

  10. Congratulations Induji !.good to know more about you ..

  11. Thank you Indu ! I'm overwhelmed and truly honored :)

  12. nice to know more about you :)

  13. Wow, good to know that you do Yoga daily. I need to make exercising a routine. I break it due to laziness!

    Destination Infinity

    1. Welcome aboard Destination Infinity.
      Yoga and exercise are good-they save us from many diseases.


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