Monday, February 17, 2025

#Red Flags Of #Suicidal Students

I live in Kota a,go-to-place,for many aspiring doctors and engineers.Students from many places come here to join the local Coaching Institutes.What pains me immensely is the fact that many of them commit suicide when they feel that they cannot achieve their target.I have written about the possible causs of such incidents in my post about the Coaching Institutes of Kota.

Let us now consider the Red Flags which could indicate that a student is considering suicide--

  • The student stops going to his classes when he realizes that he cannot fathom the subject being taught.
  • His performance deteriorates.
  • He avoids meeting his class mates and chums.
  • He does not take part in social or institutional get-togethers.
  • He becomes lethargy or sleepy.
  • His remarks are often very pessimistic.He may talk of death and what happens after someone dies.
  • He may say he has no chance of passing.
  • He laments the lack of support from anywhere.
  • He becomes violent and irritable.
  • he may begin to take drugs or alcohol.
  • He has a break-up with his close friend.
  • After a lenghty isolation he suddenly appears tp be happy.
The above factors could inicate that a student is about to take the plunge.If someone notices this and talks to him,the impending tragedy can be averted.Hence this post.

Though written about boys,it is equally applicable to girls.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Ill-effects Of A Guilt-complex

Guilt-complex is a persistent feeling of guilt about a misdemeanour which happened in the past.The person may or may not have been at fault,but the feeling of a lapse or misdeed haunts him strongly.It is so powerful that he is unable to sleep or do any constructive work.

  • The Ill-effects-He worries a lot about his act and it's repercussions.Feelings of guilt and shame hound him.He repents what he did.Severe anxiety will not let him sleep or rest.He may have gastric problems or muscle tension too,which will produce new physical symptoms daily.A sense of inadeqacy may impel him to give up his goals and flounder in life.His relationships will be tarnished and his support groups too will dwindle.If this happened in relation to another person he might even suffer from paranoia,a fear that the opponent might take revenge upon him or cause him some other phyical harm
  • Causes-Those who are perfectionists find it difficult to overlook even small imperfections.A person who has been brought up in a strict,upright environment sets high standards for his own behaviour.
  • Remedy-Curing a guilt complex demands self-compassion and kindness.The sufferer should try to assess the situation rather that blaming his own self endlesly.Was he really at fault?May be yes,maybe not.We humans are not Gods.A fault here or there only asks that it should not be repeated and if possible,amends should be made.A person who follows a very strict code of conduct may unduly blame himmself.He should review the past and gauge if he  really was at fault.Perhaps anyone else would have done what he perforce did.Since he worries a lot about his guilt,he should identify  the triggers and  decide to not blame himself the next time a feeling of guilt surfaces.He should review the past from a new perspective,set more realistic standards for his own conduct and think if he would blame a known dear person as strongly,if he had done what he himself did.What happened in the past cannot be undone,it is best to forgive himself and move forward.Considering all aspects of that situation will help him to be more judicious.It is also   essential to set boundaries for his own behaviour in future and forgive himself if he erred.
Whatever the cause or type of a guilt complex,the fact remains that it is a terrible handicap.It erodes his self-esteem to such an extent that he shies from meeting and talking to others.Rumination about that past deed totally isolates him,inflicting more damage upon his mental health and daily life.He should desist from giving too much importance to any event,review the past in a balanced state of mind and seek professional help  without delay.Balanced judgement and rationality will give him solace.