Saturday, August 17, 2024

There Is Hope Only If There Is Life!

 Just like a rainbow,our life too has many shades;radiant and joyous at one time,or gloomy and desolate at another.We try to do our best as far as possible but sometimes it becomes very difficult.Our plans go awry,relationships break,loved ones depart and we are left hurt or disillusioned.

Some people take it in their stride,some others carry on hopefully but there are also those who just wish to throw in the towel and end it all.There has been an alarming increase in the incidents of suicide and also a decrease in the age of suiciders lately.A peson who does this feels that there is no charm left in life.His reservoir of pain tolerance is full to the brim and he cannot live with it any longer-hence the suicide.But what if the pain decreased?Wouldn't life be worth living again?

Therefore the first thing to do is to lessen the pain.It can be done only if that person shares his tormenting thoughts with someone;gives an outlet to that volcano.He should talk to someone who will give him full attention and also respect his privacy-a friend,a relative,a teacher or a colleague.

If there is no such person on his radar then it is time to look for a professional-a counsellor,a psychologist or a psychiatrist.He should not hesitate to ask for help.It does not indicate that he is a weakling or a failure.In fact it indicates that he is wise enough to take a good step at the right time.The spark is there in him yet. 

  1. The first thing he should do is,sit at a quiet place and think with his head  rather  than his heart.Which is the most depressing part of the situation?What can he  do about it?
  2. If he is too bewildered to arrive at any decision then he should find a good counsellor.
  3. He should explain his problem relating all the relevant incidents in detail.
  4. He should follow the counsellor's advice fully.
  5. Another beneficial activity is starting the day with a healthy routine of Yoga,exercise,walking or jogging.Exercise increases the flow of feel-good chemicals like serotonin,dopamine & endorphins --the last are natural pain killers & mood elevators.This also uses up the excessive stress hormones like adrenaline & cortisol.
  6. Along with this he should also chart a scedule of his daily activities,like when to sleep and wake up,when to eat and when to finish his pending chores.Cleaning his cupboard and straightening his room will enable him to forget his troubles.
  7. It is also therapeutic to spend time with family &friends .He will be glad to realize that they all care for him.Even if he was somewhat disillusioned with them,he should give them a second chance.Perhaps he misjudged them or they may be regretting their callousness towards him & this initiative will give his family ties  a new lease of life.
  8. He should take up a pastime that gives him pleasure.If he recalls what gave him joy  before all this happened he will find happiness & peace of mind again.Unless he tries really hard he will not get out of this rut.
  9. He should also find out how others cope in similar situations.
  10. It is essential to continue his liaison with his counselor /doctor.
He should let the closest member of his family know that he was on the brink of suicide so that they will be on guard for him.Remember life is much larger than any misfortune,failure or emotional set-back.Time does heal.The pain will lessen and the sun will shine again.If one door has closed look for other options.Don't be dogmatic about wanting only that which has been denied to you.Be flexible.Look forward,not backwards.
If he does all this he will be fine !!!!!


  1. last evening a viral post about a woman being stopped from jumping of the bridge was the subject of discussion in our friend's group. I am continuing from that discussion as we all observe today that suicide is the biggest killer today... bigger than addiction or other forms of ailments. Mental health issues are disproportionately high in the construction industry that I am in.
    Prevention of suicide must be everybody's responsibility and if we notice some unfamiliar behavior in anyone we know, met or seen before, we need to have a dialogue and try to make sure things are fine.
    It is unexplainable how life of homosapeins being objectively better today than ever before is subjectively worse. People are not happy...
    If we were to meet a pharaoh or a Ottoman sultan in our afterlife, they would be amazed and at the same time depressed to know the life of luxury we led with all our gadgets, supercars, air travel and the kind.
    ... apologies for indulging in such a lengthy comment!

  2. The suicide rate in India is alarmingly high. Then the road accidents some of which are suicides in disguise. There's something seriously wrong with this country.

    1. The whole education system is weird.Why can't the schools do their Job,instead of opening dummy schools and letting coaching institutes do the hard work?

  3. While I agree to all the thoughts expressed in this article containing valuable suggestions to cope with the pains of life, let me add my two cents to it. Almost all the pains do lessen with the passage of time but some pains are of such a nature that they never go completely. Besides, life gives different treatment to different people. Therefore certain pains/griefs/heartburns can't be told (or explained) to others. Learning to live with them (and bear with them within oneself) is the only way out.

    1. Thanks a lot for joining in.Diverting the brain to a different channel like starting a new project also helps.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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