Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Tentacles Of Depression

 Anxiety is like a dark cloud.It shadows everything.No harm!Because it often helps us to face challenges and achieve targets too.But it becomes an enemy when it lingers on in the absence of any real danger.That should be discerned because it can shove you into the pit of Depression.Hence it is imperative to recognize the red signals.If you have become asocial,incommunicative,inactive and melancholic,then it should be a wake-up call for you.

Do something about it.Resolve to arrest further detirioration in your mental health.Given below are a few simple tips to help you do this-

  1. Do you tend to sleep or lie down long after your usual waking time?Throw off your duvet and get up.
  2. Compel yourself to leave the bed and freshen up.
  3. Begin the routine which you had before this affliction shackled you.
  4. Make a cup of your favorite beverage.Sit down and enjoy it with a biscuit or two.If you live with your family then enjoy it in their company.
  5. Put on a smart dress.Go to the mirror,smile and see how much better you look with a smile on your face.
  6. Walk out of your home and visit a park.
  7. Accost those you meet.
  8. Take a brisk walk.
  9. Sit down on a bench to relax.Watch the world around you-the people,the trees,the birds,the flowers and the sky.
  10. Return home if you feel tired.
  11. Lie down or sprawl on an easy-chair.
  12. Consider-was it that difficult?Don't you feel better after having done all this?Hasn't the negativity in your mind decreased?
  13. If your answer is negative then consider how you can further improve this session tomorrow.What else should you have done?
  14. If the answer is positive then resolve to repeat it tomorrow and every day.
This is a  common early morning walk but it has the power to kill the hormones which cause depression and energise you for constructive actions.Be happy,you have taken the first step that distances you from a bout of depression.Keep it up and you will soon be your own healthy, positive self again!

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